The SPP 1646 Summer School on "Longitudinal Analyses in Educational Research" seeks to promote young researchers connected to the DFG Priority Programme 1646 “Education as a Lifelong Process – Analyzing Data of the National Educational Panel Study” by strengthening their theoretical and methodological skills in educational research. This years Summer School offers an one-week program with a variety of teaching and learning formats.
Next to theoretical lectures (e.g. gender inequalities in the labor market) held by leading experts from different disciplines, discussion sessions are organized in which research papers submitted by the Summer School participants are extensively discussed. Furthermore, methodological workshops (e.g. growth curve modeling) introduce advanced topics in quantitative methods for the analysis of longitudinal data. The Summer School is complemented by a workshop on scientific writing combined with interactive modules.
In total, 7 (inter)national experts contribute to this scientific event.
The program can be dowloaded here.
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